Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Trader Joe's Simply Indian (both printed and kindle version) is available to buy at Amazon. Trader Joe's Simply Indian is a compilation of gourmet Indian recipes made from fresh and ready to use ingredients available at Trader Joe's.

For more memorable centerpieces, tablescapes, and recipes (including vegetarian, gluten free and vegan recipes), please check out my book, Entertaining From an Ethnic Indian Kitchen, at my website

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  1. Komali, Thanks for sharing your book at the Open House party. I'll be looking at Trader Joes for a copy. I appreciate you sharing this at the Open House party.

    1. Hi Sherry,
      I just want to let you know that Trader Joe's won't carry anyone's books. If you are interested you can get it either from my site or from Amazon. Thank you for hosting Open house party.
