Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ikebana arrangement

Ikebana is the Japanese art of flower arranging. It is much more than putting flowers in a vase. It is a creative expression of arranging flowers within some guidelines. Ikebana often emphasizes minimalism. It contains a minimum number of flower with emphasis on shape, line and form. Graceful lines are created with stalks and leaves. Each arrangement  is based on a triangular composition by three points that symbolize the sun, moon and earth. The container is the key element of the arrangement. 

It takes years of training and practice to master this art. I am not an expert on Ikebana. I like the serenity of this beautiful art form. I try to practice whenever I can to improve myself. This is the arrangement I did for my house on Mother's Day.

For more memorable centerpieces, tablescapes, and recipes (including vegetarian, gluten free and vegan recipes),please check out my books, Entertaining From an Ethnic Indian Kitchen and Trader Joe's Simply Indian at my website komalinunna.com.



  1. Beautiful! I love, love, love this form of floral arranging. Thanks for posting.

  2. So beautiful...it truly is serene and restful.
